Dr. Crandee could have used a crevasse bot

A four-wheeled robot cart is driving around Antarctica helping scientists study ice by avoiding crevasse dangers. Dubbed Yeti, the robot uses GPS and can map an area to inform researchers where the cracks and crevasses are located. Wonder if Yeti could detect the Atlas Fracture?

Dr. Crandee and Dr. Nouri certainly would have liked to have a Yeti robot while the terrorist team was descending the crevasse-scared glacier onto the Ross Ice Shelf. Certainly Josmen probably wished they had one!

Mini-sub delves in subglacial lake

Researchers used a mini-sub to motor around the subglacial Lake Whillans. The sub was equipped with a video camera and a fiber optic link to the surface. One of the big issues involved in probing these subglacial lakes is trying to do it without contaminating the lake with microcrobes from the surface. So presumably that was an issue here. The video, however, makes no mention of efforts to sterilize the mini-sub. Maybe the scientists just skipped the whole idea as being too much of a problem(!).  After all, they were way down in Antarctica, who would know?

Subglacial lake has confirmed life – Is Atlas Fracture scenario real?

Scientists of the WISSARD expedition to drill into the subglacial Lake Whillans in Antarctica have now confirmed that early tests show there is biological life — bacteria and other microbes — living in the lake far under the Antarctic ice sheet. Further testing is required to determine what the microbes are and if they could pose a threat to those organisms living on the surface(!).

Seems like some of the scariest elements of my upcoming thriller The Atlas Fracture are proving alarmingly possible!

Image courtesy Dr. Alberto Behar, JPL/ASU

It all begins: subglacial life brought to surface

According to a story on Huffington Post, the Lake Whillans expedition may have broken the seal on unknown nasties: “Scientists have the first hints of life from a lake long trapped beneath tons of Antarctic ice.”

After drilling into the lake below the Antarctic ice, the American Lake Whillans scientists have brought up tiny cells and…… those cells respond to DNA-sensitive dye. This could be it, folks. That flu shot you got won’t help you now!

Read more about what could happen with these little subglacial beasties in my upcoming thriller, The Atlas Fracture. 

Just keep saying to yourself, “it’s only a thriller novel, it’s only a thriller novel.”

(Feature image courtesy Discover magazine)

The Real Science Behind The Atlas Fracture

A recent article in the New York Times Science section described an American expedition to drill into a lake beneath the Antarctic ice cap. This effort neatly parallels the effort by the character Dr. Taylor Crandee in my novel The Atlas Fracture to drill into a subglacial lake called Lake Donatella. By the way, I promise the real-life Antarctic lake drilling effort is not a publicity stunt to promote my book (although the timing is excellent!).

The actual expedition is called the Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling (WISSARD) project. It will drill down into Lake Whillans, a body of liquid water a half a mile below the surface of the Antarctic ice. The plan is to bring up water samples and analyze then on the spot for signs of microbial life. There could be strange, unusual and even dangerous forms of bacteria, viruses and who knows what else. 

The WISSARD expedition had to travel more than 625 miles across the Ross Ice Shelf to reach the location of the subglacial lake. Drilling through ice requires some gear, so more than 13 Sno-cats and tractors were used to haul equipment and to the site.

In The Atlas Fracture, Dr. Crandee and his team use a similar hot water drill to melt their way into a lake located at the edge of the TransAntarctic Mountains. Dr. Crandee is convinced that volcanic heat from the mountains is providing a perfect environment for exotic microbial life. When he and his team succeed in bringing samples of this biologically rich water to the surface, the results are not what most in the team expect, however, and the effects felt all the way to Washington, D.C.

Watch for The Atlas Fracture, the next installment in the Perry Helion thriller series, available soon.



Apophis misses — this time

The asteroid Apophis, named after the Egyptian demonic serpent-spirit of destruction, swung by the earth on Jan. 9 — only 9 million miles from our planet’s surface. The potentially deadly object is scheduled to return twice in the next few decades. In 2029, the rough 300-yard-wide rockpile should pass within 23,000 miles. In 2036 Apophis could live up to its name and strike the earth. Would that be bad?

In 1961 the Soviet Union detonated the largest thermonuclear bomb ever: 57 megatons (or 57 million tons of TNT). The 1883 volcanic eruption of Krakatoa was equivalent to 200 megatons. Apophis hitting the earth would be roughly equal to a force of 500 megatons. That would be really bad.

But for now, we’ve dodged the demonic serpent-spirit of destruction bullet. And we can all go back to our thriller novels (like my book The SHIVA Compression!)  and our apocalyptic movies. Because it’s always way better to read about a 500 megaton explosion in a book than to get one up in your grille in real life. If that were to happen in 2036, you think the sales of thriller novels might slack off a bit?

Tied together

Our ties to the important folks in our lives can sometimes pop up in unexpected ways. My father died a few years ago, but I recently came across an unexpected talisman of my connection to him. It started with a milk crate of odd and ends I found in his basement.

We had sailboats when I was growing up. First, an old daysailer and then a wooden ketch. And when people have sailboats, there’s always plenty of line around.

Line is sailor speak for rope. There’s line for running rigging, line for sheets, line for the topping lift, for the Cunningham, for the preventer and for the halyards — plus, various other line for just about everything else. Most of the line my Dad had for his boats was coiled and organized, but some wasn’t. He used this spaghetti of line for little jobs around the house. When its work was done, he’d toss it into a milk crate he kept near his workbench, sometimes coiled, sometimes free.

Unlike my two older brothers, I caught the sailing bug early. My dad and I sailed together often. Like many men of the World War II generation, Dad was not comfortable talking about his inner struggles, his demons. He definitely didn’t chew them over with me. So our times sailing together were not nautical encounter sessions with explorations into our feelings. The conversation ran more towards, “Let’s set the jib, now.” Or, “Careful, stay away from those rocks,” or, “So, what did we pack for lunch?” The connection we made to each other came from terse male teamwork and the shared experience of sunny days and stormy ones. I know those hours spent sailing meant something to him because they meant something to me.

A year or so after he died I went down to his basement lair. My mother wanted to clear up the workbench and move out some of his gear. I put a few tools in a box, thinking that was enough. But she insisted, “Take that milk crate, too.”

Back at my house, I needed line for one of my household tasks. I fished in the crate and came up with a coil of old, quarter-inch Dacron. My first thought was that the coil was too long. I thought about cutting it into two shorter lengths, when I noticed it was not a single line but two lines joined with a sheet bend knot. I gazed at the knot. No one had used this line since my Dad’s death. The knot only existed because my Dad had tied it. The knot was the motion of my father’s fingers, frozen in plaits of rope forever.

Though untying the knot would have yielded a length of line perfect for the job at hand, I couldn’t do it. My dad’s knot may have been tied during one of our sailing expeditions. Tied quickly and purposefully on one of those days we sailed together, talking about lunch, but sharing a deeper connection that we never acknowledged.

I hung the knot on a wall hook under a funnel lamp in my basement. In a place where I could see it from anywhere in the room.

I have no proof, of course, but I like to think that somehow my dad tied that knot for me.

Chichen Itza Calendar Cock-up

The real story behind the Mayan Calendar doomsday

There have been many explanations for the Dec. 21, 2012 doomsday.

Polar shifts, strange planets,

unusual alignments, etc.

Folks have devised all sorts of crazy reasons and predictions and some crummy t-shirts.

But the explanation is so simple that everyone missed it.


Scroll down and read the story of Kukulkán,

astronomer to the Mayan king.

Seems he had too many beans for breakfast.





There was an astronomer named Kukulkán

Who calculated civilization’s time span

But at year 2012 he hard farted

And his best pants fully parted

So his future calendar he tossed into the can

The Gaussian knoll

I didn’t win the big $550 million Powerball jackpot. So it’s obvious that this thing is fixed. Go back and carefully watch the video of the ball being “selected” and you will see obvious anomalies. Slow it down and watch it in circularly polarized light shifted toward the red end of the spectrum while listening to the Beatles White Album backwards and you can clearly see that the “number” on the visible side of the ball doesn’t match the number on the other side of the ball. Also, check out the wide shot of the “selection” process. If you run the video through a Gaussian filter and bump up the white point adjustment to 11 you see a second “selector” in the shadows to the right.

I, for one, will be filing a class action lawsuit to get my $2 back.

Seven death cults that match the SHIVA cult

In my thriller The SHIVA Compression, the story is driven by a secret nuclear death cult. But that’s just fiction, right? Cults like that don’t really exist. Do they?

Well, yes, they do.

Here is a list of seven cults made famous for their taste for offing folks — sometimes others, but often turning their murderous impulses on themselves.

Aum Shinrikyo – Japanese cult that bought a piece of land in Australia to perfect a Tesla death ray and split the earth in two. That dog didn’t hunt, so they concocted their own Sarin nerve gas and released it on the Tokyo subway on March 20, 1995, killing 13 people. Charming little bunch.

Manson clan – Famous family-based cult that murdered pregnant actress Sharon Tate and two others in two different home invasions. Leader Charles Manson, locked up for life at Corcoran State Prison in California is still considered an emblem of violent insanity. He was a singer-songwriter for a time before forming his “family” in the California desert. If he had landed a record deal he might have been bigger than Elvis.

The People’s Temple –  Jim Jones convinced more than 1,000 members of his “Peoples Temple” to leave San Francisco and go to Jonestown, Guyana in South America (a hint that someone just might be a psychopath is when they name their new town after themselves). When Jones’s group came under investigation by U.S. Congressman Leo Ryan, Jones had Ryan and four others killed and then ordered more than 900 followers to commit suicide by “drinking cyanide-laced grape-flavored Flavor Aid.”

Heaven’s Gate – Cult leader Marshall Applewhite convinced his followers that the appearance of comet Hale-Bopp in March 1997 indicated that they needed to leave the earth as quickly as possible. Seems there was a spaceship hiding behind the comet and Applewhite’s crew needed to rendezvous with it. Since NASA wasn’t about to provide a lift, the only way to get out there was to commit suicide. Applewhite and 38 followers killed themselves. No word if they got a seat on the Hale-Bopp spacecraft.

The Solar Temple – A cult group with followers in Quebec and Switzerland that believed they were related to the Knights Templar. Between October 1994 and December 1995 roughly 70 members of the temple committed suicide or were murdered. This group evidently intended to go the star Sirius. Seriously.

Branch Davidians – David Koresh was the leader of this group, which lived in a sprawling building in Waco, Texas. The Davidians were convinced that the apocalypse was soon and they armed themselves (in case the apocalypse involved shooting zombies). The Federal government went in to seize the weapons and the result was a fire that destroyed the building and killed 76 Davidians, including Koresh.

Thuggee – In India thuggee was a cult of murderous thieves, some of which were said to venerate the Hindu goddess Kali. Small thuggee bands would join groups of travelers and get to know the groups’ weaknesses. Then they would strangle some or all of the travelers using special holy scarfs and rob the bodies. The British imperial authorities did their best to bring this gang down and were successful. But the group did provide us with the term “thug” for violent nasty person.